Search Result of "Manfred Rizzi"

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ที่มา:วิทยาสารเกษตรศาสตร์ สาขา วิทยาศาสตร์

หัวเรื่อง:ไม่มีชื่อไทย (ชื่ออังกฤษ : Hydrolysis of Wheat Straw Hemicellulose)

ผู้เขียน:Imgดร.สาโรจน์ ศิริศันสนียกุล, ศาสตราจารย์, ImgManfred Rizzi



The dilute acid hydrolysis of 1.5% H2SO4, solid ratio of 1:15, particle size 0.5-1.4 mm, and 121? C for 30 min. was found as the better alternative for wheat straw hydrolysate preparation than those of the alkaline and enzymatic treatment under the conditions in this study. From scaling up to using 250 g wheat straw as substrate, an average xylose yield of 63.7% or 11.5 g xylose/100 g wheat straw (dry basis) was obtained. Also the inhibitory acetic acid was preferably removed by vacuum evaporation during the concentration of the hydrolysate. At 93% removal of water, only 78% loss of acetic acid was obtained with the remaining concentration of acetic acid 4.8 g/l in hydrolysate concentrate.

Article Info
Agriculture and Natural Resources -- formerly Kasetsart Journal (Natural Science), Volume 032, Issue 2, Apr 98 - Jun 98, Page 224 - 233 |  PDF |  Page